5 min read

Startup and SMB Growth —Without The Growing Pains

September 24, 2024
Vera - Startup and SMB Growth —Without The Growing Pains

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Running a startup or SMB often feels like you're constantly juggling spinning plates.

Growth is the goal, but as a business expands, the demands of day-to-day operations intensify. Soon, those spinning plates begin to wobble—back-office administrative work accumulates, throwing everything off balance.

The good news is that developments in AI offer businesses practical solutions to the question:

"How can I scale my business sustainably and successfully?"

This article explores how AI-powered services help SMBs scale the way—saving time, cutting costs, and making it easier for you to keep all plates spinning smoothly.

TL;DR: Discover the challenges of scaling a startup or SMB and learn four ways that new AI services like Vera can help you overcome them.

The Challenges of Scaling SMBs

If you've been running your business for a while, you know that scaling comes with growing pain Initially, it's manageable—adding a few extra invoices or juggling some more compliance deadlines. But, once your business growth gains momentum, back-office work can quickly spiral out of control.

Take an example: a founder of a fast-growing e-commerce brand.

As the company doubles in size, so does the amount of paperwork, invoicing, and supplier management. During rapid growth, this founder needs to focus on product development and strategizing new marketing campaigns to sustain growth.

But, she puts off the back-office admin because of higher-value tasks that will keep her business growing. She loses track of unpaid invoices and her upcoming government filings. Left on the back burner, they soon become a fire that she spends far longer to put out then doing it in the first place.

Her best case scenario is that she throws hours and weekends at it, but gets burn out in the process. The worst-case is that she damages her cash flow and gets late penalty fees and fines from the government.

On average, SMBs lose about 120 days each year to admin work alone. We believe that’s time spent better elsewhere.

This story, isn’t uncommon. In fact, it’s the crux of the problem for many SMBs - the pay off for scaling is you experience admin overload. On average, SMBs spend a significant amount of talent hours and power —about 5% of the total for an average company just on paperwork

So, how do AI services change that?

Four Ways AI Services Help SMBs Scale

Unlike traditional software that boosts productivity, AI services focus on delivering complete outcomes in a time and cost effective way.

1) Automating Admin Tasks

Manual work leads to burnout, especially as businesses scale. Vera autonomously handles tasks like invoicing, sorting emails, and managing government obligations. Instead of spending hours chasing unpaid invoices, Vera does it for you—just like a person would.Take our e-commerce founder example: Before Vera, she manually followed up on late payments, leading to cash flow problems and slowing growth. With Vera, invoice reminders are on autopilot, ensuring payments stay on track. This frees up her budget and time to focus on strategic hires that drive growth.

Leverage your top talent on tasks that require human input, like strategy development, creativity, and customer engagement.

2) Round-the-Clock Operations

While your team takes breaks, admin tasks, deadlines, and invoices don’t. The advantage of AI-powered services is that they operate 24/7, proactively managing any backlog without pause. This constant operation means you never fall behind on critical tasks, ensuring that no deadline is missed and cash flow remains steady, even when your team is offline. And let's not forget those moments when a key team member goes on leave without leaving a thorough handover, or when the context just isn’t clear enough for others to pick up the slack. With Vera’s business memory, those gaps are easily filled. It doesn’t just handle the boring work; it keeps your business running smoothly, tightly managing tasks so you can focus on steering the ship, no matter who’s out of the office.

3) Confident Compliance

As your business grows, regulatory demands become more complex. Keeping up with changing laws and deadlines is both time-consuming and expensive. Vera acts as your Government Obligations Manager, tracking deadlines, sending proactive reminders, and ensuring you stay compliant.

One early Vera user admitted he didn’t realize how many compliance deadlines he was missing—until fines hit. With Vera, that won’t happen.

4) Scaling Without Staff Overhead

Growing businesses often face the dilemma of hiring more staff to handle increased admin work. But that isn’t always necessary. Ask yourself:

If you have the budget to hire, would you prefer adding admin staff or strategic hires that drive growth?

AI services like Vera offer an alternative. By automating repetitive tasks, you reduce payroll costs. And when you do hire, you can bring in talent focused on scaling your business. The bonus: AI services start delivering value immediately.

For example, Vera integrates with your current back-office software, securely analyzes your data for context, and requires no training or onboarding time.

AI can handle routine tasks to free people to focus on what truly matters—strategic thinking, creativity, and critical analysis. These uniquely human skills are irreplaceable.


As businesses grow, tasks like invoicing and compliance can slow progress. AI services like Vera automate these processes, allowing founders to focus on growth.

Operating 24/7, it manages everything from payments to regulatory deadlines, reducing the need for additional staff. And by integrating seamlessly into existing systems, Vera can empower SMBs to scale faster, cut costs, and run efficiently — without the growing pains.

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